Zero Storage
No storage of biometrics of any form. No need to worry about the storage.
No storage of biometrics of any form. No need to worry about the storage.
ON the Go private key generation for encryption and signing
Generating self soverign and privacy preserving biometric credentials with ZKPS
Simple feature detection algorithm for biometric key generation.
You can use any type of biometric input, eg: iris, fingerprint, face, etc.
Easy registration with mobile devics and no centralized or sophisticated hardware.
Self Sovreign Biometric Identities for DAOs
Universal Login With One Biometric Credential
Boot Straping Social Graph Based Proof Of Personhood
Face Scan
Iris Scan
Fingerprint Detection
Voice Recognition
Stores hashes
Vouching with incentives
Captcha Game
Video Verification Party
Organisations generates credentials from government ids
Users generate their own credentials using their government backed credentials like government id, phone number , passport. Anyone can verify these credentials onchain
Together, through Polar-ID, we can create a more just and inclusive digital future for all.